Welcome friends and gentlefolk to the web page of the Newcastle University Medieval Society (NUMS). NUMS is a SCA associated medieval recreation group based at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. We are a group of like-minded individuals who investigate aspects of life as it was in medieval times. We run events with our parent group Mordenvale, and for the Kingdom of Lochac and the Crown. If you enjoy feasting, fighting, recreating history and making history of your own, come join our mead hall and sit by our hearth, for all are welcome.
Pages and Links of Interest
Find us on Facebook at:
- Newcastle University Medieval Society | Facebook
- University of Newcastle Medieval Society | Facebook
Visit our parent society, Mordenvale, at:
And find things all SCA at:
- Kingdom of Lochac – The SCA in Australia and New Zealand
- SCA Lochac | Facebook
- Society for Creative Anachronism (sca.org)
- Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) | Facebook