The Newcastle Medieval Society is under the administration of the Barony of Mordenvale, which is under the administration of the Kingdom of Lochac.
If you are interested in applying for an office or deputy of the Society, please submit an application here.
Major Officers
Kirsten of St Crispin (Imogen Hanwright)
The Seneschal is the chief administrative officer and principal legal representative of the SCA in the College. The Seneschal attends to the day-to-day running of the College, liaising with the other Officers of the College.
Constantine of St Crispin (Connor Rae)
The Reeve is the chief financial officer of the College. The Reeve collects, safeguards and disburses the monies of the college as well as keeping record of the assets of the College.
Johannes Czothmar (John Mostaccero)
The Registrar is the chief clerical officer of the College. The Registrar keeps and maintains a register of all members of the College, takes minutes at meetings of the College, and consults with other Officers on matters of record keeping.
Minor Officers
Herald (Saint Crispin Pursuivant)
Hildegard Von Crispin (Catherine Merx)
The Medieval Society Pursuivant is the heraldic officer of the College. The Medieval Society Pursuivant encourages and supports the research and re-enactment of authentic pre-17th century in the college, generally assisting members in drafting submissions for registration with the College of Arms, as well as arranging the conduct of ceremonies and announcements at NUMS events.
Currently vacant (Apply)
The Constable is the general safety officer of the Medieval Society. The Constable ensure the safe proceedings of the Medieval Society by indemnities and procedures, collecting monies and taking record of attendance at events and gatherings, and holding and dispersing lost property.
Hildegard Von Crispin (Catherine Merx)
The Marshall is the martial officer of the Medieval Society. The Marshall generally oversees the conduct of martial activities in the college, encourages and supports the research and re-enactment of pre-17th century martial activities, and ensures the safety of martial activities at events and gatherings of the Medieval Society.
Minister of Arts and Sciences
Currently vacant (Apply)
The Minister of Arts and Sciences is the culture and material science officer of the Medieval Society. The Minister of Arts and Sciences encourages and support the research and re-enactment of pre-17th century arts and sciences, whether they be crafts, trades, skills, or activities.
Auxiliary Officers
Currently Vacant (Apply)
The Hospitaller is the public and personal relations officer of the Medieval Society. The Hospitaller encourages and supports recruitment and fosters retention of members. This is often achieved through the keeping and distributing of loaner garb, facilitating the accessibility of SCA Events.
Currently Vacant (Apply)
The Chirurgeon is the first aid officer of the Medieval Society. The Chirurgeon ensures the presence of current First-Aiders at events of the Medieval Society, as well as the maintenance of first aid equipment.
Currently Vacant (Apply)
The Chronicler is the media officer of the Medieval Society. The Chronicler records the deeds, events, and activities of the Medieval Society, and dispenses those records. The Chronicler may also maintain a Medieval Society periodical.
Minister of the Lists
Currently Vacant (Apply)
The Minister of the Lists is the officer of the Medieval Society responsible for the facilitation of tournaments. The Minister of the Lists liaises with the Marshall and Herald to record, calculate, and dispense the pairings and results of tournaments. The Minister of the Lists may also facilitate tournaments of a non-martial nature (e.g. Chess, Highland Games, etc.).
Currently Vacant (Apply)
The Quartermaster is the Equipment officer of the Medieval Society. The Quartermaster keeps (or organises for the secure keeping of), makes available, and distributes supplies and equipment belonging to the Medieval Society. The Quartermaster also keeps and maintains a register of the supplies and equipment belonging to the Medieval Society. [The Quartermaster does not currently have a Badge of Office]
Webwright at Large – Angharad ferch Rheghed (Jaida Jones-Wilson)
The Webminister is the online officer of the Medieval Society. The Webminister develops and maintains the Medieval Society’s online presence, keeping information up to date, and facilitates the access of Officers to publish information relevant to their position on the Medieval Society website.
Siege Marshall
Currently Vacant (Apply)
The Siege Marshall is a martial officer of the Medieval Society that focuses on matters of siege combat.
If you are interested in applying for an office or deputy of the Medieval Society, please submit an application here.
Barony of Mordenvale
Greater Hunter Region

Kingdom of Lochac
Australia & New Zealand